Cleanse Your Body Refresh Your Soul Stone Non Slip Bath Mat

80,000+ mats sold per year

$ 36.78

1000 vorrätig

Entworfen und gedruckt in Großbritannien

Berührungstrocken in 60 Sekunden

Anti-Schimmel, anti-bakteriell und hygienisch

The future of bath mats is here at Artsy, our team has worked hard to create the most natural, long lasting bath mat available. The bath mats are made of Diatomaceous Earth from Changbai Mountains; Diatomaceous is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is crumbled into a fine white powder. This powder is then moulded together to form our solid bathmats.

One of the most desirable benefits of our bath mats is that it is touch dry within 60 seconds, minimising the risk of slipping and damp. Not only is it 100% natural, it is anti-mould, anti-bacterial and Odour free.

Wir haben eine Vielzahl von Designs entworfen, die Ihrem Stil entsprechen, egal ob Sie nach einem flippigen Muster oder einer Typografie suchen, wir haben eine Badematte, die zu Ihnen passt. Unsere Badvorleger sind unglaublich hygienisch und können leicht gereinigt werden, was Energie und Wasser spart, da sie nicht wie herkömmliche Matten gewaschen und getrocknet werden müssen.

Wenn Sie sich einmal für eine Badematte aus Stein entschieden haben, werden Sie nie wieder über Plüsch-Badvorleger nachdenken. Diese Matte ist ein großartiger nachhaltiger Wechsel für Sie und die Umwelt. Wir arbeiten daran, eine klimaneutrale Marke zu werden.

Abmessungen: 39 x 60cm (16 x 24″) ungefähr.

All you need to know:
100% natural
Touch dry in 60 seconds
Anti-mould and anti-bacterial
Odour free
Moppable/easy to clean
Non-slip mat provided for placing on hard surfaces
Incredibly absorbent
Modern and sophisticated

Touch Dry In 60 Seconds

One of the most desirable benefits of ours stone bath mats for bathrooms is that they are touch dry in 60 seconds, minimising the risk of slipping and damp. Not only are they 100% natural, they are anti-mould, anti-bacterial and odour free.


Easy To Clean & Money Saving

Not only will this bath mat save on energy and living costs, it is incredibly easy to care for and doesn’t have to be an everyday household consideration.

💸 Click here to find out how our bath mats could save you around £80 per year.

To clean, apply a small amount of non-bleach cleaner on a cloth and wipe the mat, rinse the mat to remove any harsh detergents.


Stone Bath Mats

  • ✓ Quick dry technology
  • ✓ Slip resistant
  • ✓ Easy to clean
  • ✓ Long lasting
  • ✓ Hard wearing
  • ✓ Modern and sleek

Traditional Bath Mats

  • ✗ Harbours extra moisture
  • ✗ Long drying times
  • ✗ Leaves floor wet
  • ✗ Requires frequent washing
  • ✗ Needs replacing often
  • ✗ Can smell over time

Integrated Anti-Slip Base

Featuring an Integrated Anti-Slip Base made of high-quality, durable rubber, this bath mat prioritizes your safety without compromising on style. The anti-slip elements strategically placed on the reverse side ensure a reliable grip, even on wet and smooth surfaces. It’s not just a bath mat – it’s your assurance of a secure and stylish bathroom experience.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht2,3 kg
Abmessungen60 × 39 × 0,9 cm